Cruinneachadh: Products

Shop at GIGSAK®

The unique Multi-Functional Outdoor Blanket that's more than just a picnic blanket, GIGSAK doubles as a cosy shelter, perfect for avoiding the wind and rain.

The perfect outdoor companion for family picnics, BBQs, outdoor concerts, music festivals, open-air cinema, the beach, camping, and more.

  • The Sunday Times website logo

    "Bho champachadh agus cuirmean-cnuic sa phàirc gu fèisean samhraidh, tha an GIGSAK na bhrat cuirm-chnuic ioma-ghnèitheach a tha fìor mhath, agus a tha a’ dùblachadh mar fasgadh uisge. Fìor mhath airson a h-uile dad a dh’ fhaodas samhradh Mòr Bhreatainn a thilgeil ort!"

    Campachadh le stoidhle 
  • The Guardian website logo

    "Ever been cold on a picnic (I think we know the answer) or wet at a festival (there's an alternative)? Then you need to get yourself a GIGSAK! This waterproof blanket with a fleece top opens up like a giant bag, so you can either decide to sit on it, put your legs in it or shelter inside it. You'll be the envy of Glastonbury, no, really."

    The Guardian 
  • "Tha a' phlaide uisge-dhìonach seo a' dùblachadh suas mar fhasgadh comhfhurtail, foirfe airson uisge is eabar a sheachnadh aig fèisean am-bliadhna. Tionndaidh a-staigh i gus suidhe am broinn an GIGSAK agus gum bi cothrom agad coimhead air na còmhlain as fheàrr leat ge bith dè an t-sìde."

    Iris NME 
  • Camping with Style website logo

    "From camping and picnics in the park to summer festivals, the GIGSAK is a versatile picnic rug that’s great quality, and doubles up as a rain shelter. Perfect for everything that the Great British summertime can throw at you!"

    Camping with Style 
  • Dorset Mums website logo

    "Tha fosgladh aig GIGSAK airson clann a dhìreadh a-steach ma dh'fhàsas iad fuar no a chleachdadh mar dhìon nuair a dh'fhosglas na nèamhan ris nach robh dùil agus an t-uisge ann. sinn agus a' chlann tioram!"

    Màthairean Dorset 
  • Chelsea Mama website logo

    "GIGSAK is simple to turn into a shelter – simply use the inside corner handles to turn it inside out. It’s big enough for 2 or 3 people to use in this way and convert it back to a picnic blanket when it stops raining. We have used our GIGSAK a few times now and it is fabulous."

    Chelsea Mamma 

Al fresco spòrsail

Na leig leis an aimsir na tachartasan a-muigh agad a mhilleadh. Le teaghlach no caraidean, tha am blàr a-muigh ga dhèanamh gun chrìoch nas fheàrr.

Biodh gaol agad air a’ bhlàr a-muigh

Aig an tràigh

Latha foirfe aig an tràigh, grian, gaoth, no uisge, chan eil e gu diofar le GIGSAK®.

Spòrs anns a ' ghrian a


Dèan gàirdeachas fad an latha agus fad na h-oidhche, cùm blàth is tioram le GIGSAK®.

Dèanamaid pàrtaidh


  • It’s more than a blanket

    GIGSAK® is the unique Multi-Functional Outdoor Blanket that's more than a picnic blanket, GIGSAK doubles as a cosy shelter, perfect for avoiding the wind and rain.

  • Stay warm and dry

    Don't let the weather ruin your day out. When the weather changes, simply turn GIGSAK® inside out and sit inside.

  • Made in the UK

    GIGSAK® is made in the UK and it's weather-resistant design features a soft fleece top layer for relaxing whilst the durable waterproof layers keep you warm and dry.

  • Loved by all

    With family or friends, enjoy picnics, BBQs, outdoor concerts, music festivals, open-air cinema, the beach, camping and more. Take GIGSAK® wherever you go.