Cruinneachadh: Products
Shop at GIGSAK®
The unique Multi-Functional Outdoor Blanket that's more than just a picnic blanket, GIGSAK doubles as a cosy shelter, perfect for avoiding the wind and rain.
The perfect outdoor companion for family picnics, BBQs, outdoor concerts, music festivals, open-air cinema, the beach, camping, and more.
Bag Tote GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £22.50 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£25.00 GBPPrìs reic £22.50 GBPReic -
Bratach ioma-ghnìomhach a-muigh GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £150.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£150.00 GBPPrìs reic £150.00 GBP -
Cairt tiodhlac GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach Bho £25.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£0.00 GBPPrìs reic Bho £25.00 GBP -
Bratach ioma-ghnìomhach a-muigh na cloinne GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £75.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£75.00 GBPPrìs reic £75.00 GBP -
Bratach ioma-ghnìomhach a-muigh na cloinne GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £75.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£75.00 GBPPrìs reic £75.00 GBP -
Bratach àbhaisteach ioma-ghnìomh a-muigh GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £100.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£100.00 GBPPrìs reic £100.00 GBP
Campachadh le stoidhle
"Bho champachadh agus cuirmean-cnuic sa phàirc gu fèisean samhraidh, tha an GIGSAK na bhrat cuirm-chnuic ioma-ghnèitheach a tha fìor mhath, agus a tha a’ dùblachadh mar fasgadh uisge. Fìor mhath airson a h-uile dad a dh’ fhaodas samhradh Mòr Bhreatainn a thilgeil ort!"
The Guardian
"Ever been cold on a picnic (I think we know the answer) or wet at a festival (there's an alternative)? Then you need to get yourself a GIGSAK! This waterproof blanket with a fleece top opens up like a giant bag, so you can either decide to sit on it, put your legs in it or shelter inside it. You'll be the envy of Glastonbury, no, really."
Iris NME
"Tha a' phlaide uisge-dhìonach seo a' dùblachadh suas mar fhasgadh comhfhurtail, foirfe airson uisge is eabar a sheachnadh aig fèisean am-bliadhna. Tionndaidh a-staigh i gus suidhe am broinn an GIGSAK agus gum bi cothrom agad coimhead air na còmhlain as fheàrr leat ge bith dè an t-sìde."
Camping with Style
"From camping and picnics in the park to summer festivals, the GIGSAK is a versatile picnic rug that’s great quality, and doubles up as a rain shelter. Perfect for everything that the Great British summertime can throw at you!"
Màthairean Dorset
"Tha fosgladh aig GIGSAK airson clann a dhìreadh a-steach ma dh'fhàsas iad fuar no a chleachdadh mar dhìon nuair a dh'fhosglas na nèamhan ris nach robh dùil agus an t-uisge ann. sinn agus a' chlann tioram!"
Chelsea Mamma
"GIGSAK is simple to turn into a shelter – simply use the inside corner handles to turn it inside out. It’s big enough for 2 or 3 people to use in this way and convert it back to a picnic blanket when it stops raining. We have used our GIGSAK a few times now and it is fabulous."
Al fresco spòrsail
Na leig leis an aimsir na tachartasan a-muigh agad a mhilleadh. Le teaghlach no caraidean, tha am blàr a-muigh ga dhèanamh gun chrìoch nas fheàrr.
Aig an tràigh
Latha foirfe aig an tràigh, grian, gaoth, no uisge, chan eil e gu diofar le GIGSAK®.
Dèan gàirdeachas fad an latha agus fad na h-oidhche, cùm blàth is tioram le GIGSAK®.
It’s more than a blanket
GIGSAK® is the unique Multi-Functional Outdoor Blanket that's more than a picnic blanket, GIGSAK doubles as a cosy shelter, perfect for avoiding the wind and rain.
Stay warm and dry
Don't let the weather ruin your day out. When the weather changes, simply turn GIGSAK® inside out and sit inside.
Made in the UK
GIGSAK® is made in the UK and it's weather-resistant design features a soft fleece top layer for relaxing whilst the durable waterproof layers keep you warm and dry.
Loved by all
With family or friends, enjoy picnics, BBQs, outdoor concerts, music festivals, open-air cinema, the beach, camping and more. Take GIGSAK® wherever you go.
GIGSAK is the unique Multi-Functional Outdoor Blanket that's more than just a picnic blanket, GIGSAK doubles as a cosy shelter, perfect for avoiding the wind and rain. Use GIGSAK at family picnics, BBQs, outdoor concerts, music festivals, open-air cinema, the beach, camping and more.
Bratach àbhaisteach ioma-ghnìomh a-muigh GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £100.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£100.00 GBPPrìs reic £100.00 GBP -
Bratach ioma-ghnìomhach a-muigh GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £150.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£150.00 GBPPrìs reic £150.00 GBP -
Bratach ioma-ghnìomhach a-muigh na cloinne GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £75.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach£75.00 GBPPrìs reic £75.00 GBP