Cruinneachadh: GIGSAK
GIGSAK® Am plaide a-muigh a gheibh thu a-staigh! Is e GIGSAK am plaide sònraichte ioma-ghnìomh a-muigh a tha nas motha na dìreach plaide cuirm-chnuic, tha GIGSAK a’ dùblachadh mar fasgadh comhfhurtail, foirfe airson a’ ghaoth is an uisge a sheachnadh.
Dìreach tionndaidh GIGSAK a-staigh gus fuireach blàth is tioram. Tha e na dheagh chompanach a-muigh airson cuirmean-cnuic teaghlaich, BBQ, cuirmean a-muigh, fèisean ciùil, taigh-dhealbh a-muigh, an tràigh, campachadh agus barrachd.
Na leig leis an aimsir na tachartasan agad a-muigh a mhilleadh, bidh GIGSAK gad chuideachadh gus fuireach blàth is comhfhurtail ge bith dè a bhios Mother Nature a’ tilgeil ort. Nuair a dh’ atharraicheas an aimsir, dìreach tionndaidh GIGSAK a-staigh agus suidh a-staigh gus a’ ghaoth is an uisge a sheachnadh.
Tha an dealbhadh dìon-sìde againn a’ nochdadh còmhdach mullach rùsg bog airson fois a ghabhail fhad ‘s a chumas na sreathan dìon-uisge seasmhach thu tioram agus comhfhurtail. Leis an dealbhadh teann aige, is urrainn dhut GIGSAK a thoirt leat gu furasta ge bith càite an tèid thu.
Tha GIGSAK mòr gu leòr airson dithis, ach leis an GIGSAK Giant faodaidh tu àite a thoirt don teaghlach gu lèir! A chlann, tha eadhon GIGSAK againn, a tha gu sònraichte dhutsa!
Tha GIGSAK gun samhail, spòrsail agus practaigeach!
Tlachd a ghabhail air a’ bhlàr a-muigh le GIGSAK® Tha sinn air do chòmhdach.
The GIGSAK® Range
GIGSAK® - Am plaide a-muigh a gheibh thu a-staigh!
Prìs cunbhalach £75.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach -
Giant GIGSAK® - Am plaide a-muigh a gheibh thu a-staigh!
Prìs cunbhalach £100.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach -
GIGSAK® Kids - Am plaide a-muigh a gheibh thu a-staigh!
Prìs cunbhalach £55.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach -
Bratach ioma-ghnìomhach a-muigh na cloinne GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £55.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach
The Sunday Times
"You know that feeling — just as the festival is rocking, a cloud heaves into view to put a damper on things. No worries: just lift up the top layer of your GIGSAK and get inside. With a cosy fleece blanket on one side and a thick waterproof backing on the other, it’ll keep two music fans snug and dry until the end of the show."
The Guardian
"Ever been cold on a picnic (I think we know the answer) or wet at a festival (there's an alternative)? Then you need to get yourself a GIGSAK! This waterproof blanket with a fleece top opens up like a giant bag, so you can either decide to sit on it, put your legs in it or shelter inside it. You'll be the envy of Glastonbury, no, really."
NME Magazine
"This waterproof blanket doubles up as a cosy shelter, perfect for avoiding the rain and mud at festivals this year. Turn it inside out to sit inside the GIGSAK and be able to watch your favourite bands whatever the weather."
Take GIGSAK® Everywhere
The Beach
Enjoy a perfect day at the beach. Sun, wind, or rain, it doesn't matter with GIGSAK®.
Picnics and Barbeques
Lounge around all day long, with GIGSAK® we've got you covered.
Party all day and all night with family and friends. Keep warm and dry with GIGSAK®.
After Dark
Enjoy the evening fireworks and open-air cinema. Wrap yourself up with GIGSAK® and stay warm and toasty.
It’s more than a blanket
GIGSAK® is the only blanket you can sit inside. The built-in cosy shelter helps everyone avoid the wind and rain.
Stay warm and dry
Don't let the weather ruin your day out. When the weather changes, simply turn GIGSAK® inside out and sit inside.
Made in the UK
GIGSAK® weather-resistant design features a soft fleece top layer for relaxing, while durable waterproof layers keep you warm and dry.
Loved by all
Enjoy picnics, BBQs, outdoor concerts, music festivals, open-air cinema, the beach, camping and more. Take GIGSAK® wherever you go.
See GIGSAK® in action
The GIGSAK® Range
GIGSAK® - Am plaide a-muigh a gheibh thu a-staigh!
Prìs cunbhalach £75.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach -
Giant GIGSAK® - Am plaide a-muigh a gheibh thu a-staigh!
Prìs cunbhalach £100.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach -
GIGSAK® Kids - Am plaide a-muigh a gheibh thu a-staigh!
Prìs cunbhalach £55.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach -
Bratach ioma-ghnìomhach a-muigh na cloinne GIGSAK®
Prìs cunbhalach £55.00 GBPPrìs cunbhalachPrìs aonad / gach